
This scoping report sets out the Beyond Scale project proposal’s objectives and identifies the changes made to the original plan for the research accompanying the project.

This will also contribute to a better understanding of the project’s objectives and how the accompanying research can support the Beyond Scale project partners in conducting their activities. The scoping report is based on three different sources of information:

  • A survey among the project partners, conducted at the beginning of the BeyondScale project (end of 2019), to learn about their planned activities and to what extent they are familiar with the HEInnovate tool and its resources.
  • A short review of documents that underlie the design of the HEInnovate tool and the HEInnovate platform (i.e. website, resources, facilitators).
  • Interviews with the HEInnovate facilitators from DG EAC and Technopolis and other HEInnovate Experts.

All three data sources were used to finalise the planning and specify the work plan for the accompanying research. In the following, we will first recap the overall objectives of the BeyondScale project and how the accompanying research aims to contribute to the objectives. Secondly, the background of the HEInnovate tool is explored and related to the accompanying research. The third section considers the results of the kick-off meeting (November 2019) and the agreements made there. The fourth and last section sets out the conclusions for the accompanying research and its way forward.